Dr. Monika Stuczen, a Medical Microbiologist and Functional Medicine advocate, has over 15 years of research experience. Her fascination with the human body's natural healing capabilities has been a constant in her career. Early on, she was part of a team exploring various healing treatments, including those based on ancient medical practices. In 2020, after being diagnosed with cancer, she underwent two surgeries and radiotherapy, which significantly weakened her body. As an enthusiastic hiker, she was devastated to find herself devoid of energy for months and unable to engage in sports, with her immune system severely compromised. When conventional food supplements and diets proved ineffective, she turned to clinical studies highlighting Ayurveda and Functional medicine's role in cancer recovery and prevention. Adopting these practices, she saw a marked improvement within weeks; her energy levels improved, and her blood tests returned to normal. She regained the ability to enjoy her hobbies and, crucially, her zest for life. Inspired by her own experience and commitment to a lifestyle in harmony with nature, she founded Sayana by Nature. We invite you to join our journey and explore the wonders of ancient medicine!